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Read the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earns 400,000+ per year ... selling other people's stuff online!

In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net. In 230+ pages, and more than 68,000 words, you'll learn how to pick the best programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting.

To learn exactly how she does it, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you visit:


Monday, January 08, 2007


Are you still sticking with your goals?

Do you still remember the day you confessed your New Year's resolution?

Do you still remember the day that you told yourself that you are going to do certain things, in certain ways?

Because I do.

I remember every single word I have told you. I remember every single word I have confessed to you.

Do you still remember what I have confessed to you?

If you don't, I want to remind you again that our small elite group of marketers have developed a system, where it allows you to enjoy over 850+ products for F.ree at:

NOTE: Make sure you use the special URL I have given you above. This way, you will receive 200 points to redeem for these products, instead of only 100 points you receive when you go directly to the main site.

I know some of you have taken the initiative to do so.

I know that when you have your hands on these qualityproducts that I have given you at:

Your new resolution will absolutely be fulfilled immediately. However, let's have all the excitementin our life's right away.

Why wait, right? Absolutely!

Let's stick with our goals and resolutions that we have promised ourselves in the beginning of the year. This way, we all can become successful in the year 2007.

Success is YOURS.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Finally, Get Rewarded For Browsing Forums!

Dear visitor,

Just wanted to drop you a quick line and tell you about a very cool forum my friend and ingenious marketer Russell Brunson has just launched.

It’s called the "Conquer Your Niche" forum and I guarantee it’s going to be be the single premier forum on the Internet.

Here’s why:

You’ll get to display an ad on the forum. And he'll give you advertisement credits every time you post, reply, or even READ a post.

Plus you'll get to interact with the top marketers in the business. I just checked out who's joined so far and I was amazed!

Check it out here:

Signing up is free…and your ad will start displaying ASAP.

P.S. Be sure to pay attention and check out his one time offer that'll pop up when you register. It will tell you how to get up to to FIVE TIMES theamount of exposure on Russell's "Conquer Your Niche" forum.
Sign up here:



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Click here: http://www.taketheinternetback.com/index.php?refId=24314


What is your new year resolution?

I don't know about you.

However, I know that in the year 2007, I would like to make sure that everybody, including you, becomes very successful online.

You see...

In the year 2006, things are starting to get very expensive, information products are jacking up in price, Software products are raising drastically, where only a small percentage of people can get their hands on these powerful products.

Recently, things have changed.

Due to the effort of a small group of elite marketers, including myself. We have developed a system that allows you to enjoy those products for f'ree.

Go to the site right away at:

NOTE: Make sure you use the special URL I have given you above. This way, you will receive 200 points to redeem for these products, instead of only 100 points you receive when you go directly to the main site.

I know that 2007 will be a fun year for you.

I know that when you have your hands on the quality products that I have given you at:

Your new resolution will absolutely being fulfilled immediately. That's all for now. I wish you the best 2007 you will ever had, and I am confident that you will become very successful in this new year.

Success is YOURS.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Free is too expensive... Own the Internet!

This is AGLOCO™ 's proposition, just three words: Own the Internet.

Whenever you are online, either surfing, blogging, clicking on an ad, making a purchase, all the money generated by your activities is pocketed by a small number of players. At AGLOCO™ they say not anymore!

AGLOCO™ is a global community, whose owners are its Members (you and potentially the millions of internet users out there). Their goal is to capture a significant portion of the value generated by our online activities and return it to Members in cash. Best of all, it is totally free, Members will NEVER have to pay anything, nor will they have to disclose ANY personal information!

How does this work? Once you sign up on their website, when available you will be able to download the Viewbar software, a free toolbar-sized application (half the size of a traditional Windows tool bar) that quietly sits on your desktop without ever hampering your online habits. That’s all you need to do! Just continue using the Internet as you used to… no need to change your habits!Do you have several individuals using one computer? You can have different AGLOCO™ viewbars to fit the profile of each user.Don’t want to see or use the Viewbar at any given time? Just minimize it and the Viewbar stops working!

There are different ways AGLOCO™ can make money for its Members:

Cash: You get cash by surfing the Internet while the Viewbar is running. AGLOCO™ ’s profits are distributed back to its Members. And you can also receive real-time discounts should you choose to purchase from AGLOCO™ ’s partners. They will never include gambling or adult entertainment sites as partners.

Shares: In addition to cash, AGLOCO™ will give out shares in the company to its Members. Eventually, AGLOCO™ plans to go public and will be traded on the London Stock Exchange AIM. You can start earning stock options by keeping Viewbar active while you surf. In addition, you will gain extra shares by referring active users to AGLOCO™ (they lose nothing). Click here to see the calculator.The more people join AGLOCO™ , the more value the community can generate for itself. The company believes those that build the community deserve more: your own profits become larger the more people you refer. You can accumulate hours not only from your Internet activity but also from those who you refer, and their referrals too… Up to 5 levels underneath you! For example, if you refer 10 people and all of them refer 5 people each, you could make over 7000 shares a month*!Remember, this is all free, you don’t lose anything, all you have to do is sign up, download the Viewbar and that’s it. Build your network and refer friends, family and colleagues to AGLOCO™ and earn even more!

The guys behind this idea include several Stanford MBA’s and a few individuals who started AllAdvantage back in 1998, which gave over $100 million to its users before falling victim to the burst of the internet bubble. Today, the context is much more favorable: The sophistication of on-line commerce, the rapid emergence of communities, the wealth of advertising revenue sources, etc. Isn’t it time you got your share of the Internet?

Don't wait any longer. This is a win-win opportunity, and you’ll make it even more profitable for yourself when you start referring friends and relatives before others get to them! Since I assume you learned about AGLOCO™ thanks to my website, click here to sign up directly!

Monday, January 01, 2007


Become an Affiliate Marketer

15 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer
- by Rosalind Gardner
© 2004 Rosalind Gardner - All Rights reserved

There are HUGE benefits to promoting affiliate programswith your own home-based Internet business, and I've comeup with a list of 15 great reasons to become an affiliatemarketer.

Let's look at each reason separately:

1. No Production Costs - The cost to develop and produce anew product is prohibitive for almost anyone who wants tostart a home-based business. With affiliate programs, production costs aren't an issue. The product has beendeveloped and proven - all on the merchant's nickel.

2. Low Cost Set-up - Compared with building a brick andmortar store, starting a home-based Internet business isrelatively cheap. You probably already have a desk,Internet-connected computer and word-processing software,which is all the equipment you may need.

3. No Fees for Joining or Licenses to Buy - I oftencompare doing business as an affiliate, with distributing aline of products in the real world. The biggest differenceis that the distributor must often pay for a license todistribute products within a limited geographic region. Affiliate programs, on the other hand, are usually free tojoin, and geographic market reach is limited only by the affiliate's ability to promote his web site.

4. Choose From Thousands of Products and Services - What isn't sold online? That list must be shorter than the onedescribing all that IS sold online. There are thousands and thousands of affiliate programs selling every product under the sun. That makes it easy to find products related toyour current or planned web site.

5. No Sales Experience Needed - When I started my affiliate business, I had absolutely no sales experience. That wasn'ta problem, however. The companies I affiliated withprovided excellent marketing material. Using their salescopy, I was able to get my first affiliate site up in less than a day.

6. No Employees - The largest expense of most businesses isemployee salaries. Although there might be times when youneed or want someone to work for you as an affiliate, it's doubtful you'll ever have to worry about hiring full orpart-time employees. When you have a project you want tohire out, it is easy to find specialists in every computer-related field who can work for you from the comfort of THEIR own homes. You pay only for the project, and never have to worry about ongoing employee-related benefits and deductions.

7. No Expensive Merchant Accounts Needed - Setting up a merchant account for any business is a time-consuming and costly business. It's even more tedious for Internet businesses. However, merchant accounts aren't a concernwhen you're an affiliate. The merchant bears that cost andhandles all processing of payments. You never have to losesleep over potential chargebacks, fraud or losing yourmerchant account when you're an affiliate.

8. No Inventory to Carry - Even if you live in a small one-bedroom apartment, as an affiliate you can sell large itemswithout storage concerns.

9. No Order-Processing - Forget the problems associated with collecting and storing names, addresses, credit cardnumbers, etc. The merchant does all that!

10. No Product Shipping - The cost and hassle to prepareand ship products to customers worldwide could bestaggering. Affiliates never have to worry about packaging supplies or postal rates.

11. No Customer Service Concerns - Do you hate the prospectof dealing with nasty people or customer complaints? Don'tworry about it! The merchant handles the snivelers.

12. Make Money While You Sleep - What other business allowsyou as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keepmaking money even when you take breaks or after you go homefor the night?

13. The World at Your Doorstep - The Internet is theworld's largest marketplace. You can drive more visitors toyour online store in a day, than many small-town merchantssees in his or her brick and mortar business in a year.

14. Minimal Risk - The product you chose isn't makingmoney? Dump it. Take down your links and promote another!It's that easy. There are no long-term contracts binding you to products that don't sell.

15. High Income Potential - If you have a job, your salaryor hourly wage is probably pre-determined. Maybe there's not much, other than working overtime, that you can do to increase your income. With your own affiliate business on the Internet your income potential is limited only by your desire, effort and imagination.

There you have them - all the good reasons to start yourown online affiliate marketing business. Start today and benefit from this incredibly simple, cost-effective business opportunity known as affiliate marketing. The time is right, and the time is now.

Article excerpted from Rosalind Gardner's "Super AffiliateHandbook: How I Made $436,797 Last Year Selling OtherPeople's Products Online". Rosalind is the 'Net's mostrecognized expert on successful online selling as anaffiliate marketer.

Visit her site at:

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